david and i.

There was a giant who was bullying and harassing the children of God.

Then a young shepherd boy came to visit his brothers and asked,

“Why don’t you stand up and fight the giant?”

The brothers were terrified and they replied,

“Don’t you see HE is too BIG to HIT?”

But David said..,


The rest is history. We all know what happened.

David killed the giant with a sling.

For all we see, all we know…

could be just a big illusion…

in a world full of confusion…

can we really trust our eyes…

coz i’ve heard people say…

that seeing is believing…

don’t they know looks can be deceiving…

But the Lord sees what’s inside.

What a great performance indeed!

That was the Zaphenath Paneah Performing Arts Inc. - Manila which is composed of young people from Payatas Grace Gospel Church of Christ…David and Goliath : their debut performance, has blessed many and has proven that indeed NOTHING is impossible with God…

And being the most remarkable character, David has captured the heart of many…ZPPAI’s David : my Nak Nel - who has always been a dear child to me and has always been close to my heart…he cries when i cry, he laughs when i laugh, he loves to listen to my stories, he knows how i feel even with out me telling him, he loves all that i love, and he believes am an all-knowing,tsk…i just pray he’ll remain as innocent and cute as he is…:) love you nak, am proud of you...


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